Smart Overhead Irrigation

The Floppy Sprinkler overhead irrigation system provides unobstructed irrigation for any sized cropping area with the largest installed site now measuring 15,000 hectare.

Unlike the centre pivot system used in large areas, this system has no fall out corners and as such will irrigate every m of available land.

The system consists of 6 m tall poles and a steel cable grid from where the irrigation system is suspended.

The grid measures 12m x 72m which results in creating 72m wide corridors under which farm machinery can operate freely.

Irrigation is slow like summer rain which is ideal for foliage watering, crop cooling and frost protection.

Typical Centre Pivot Irrigation

Wheel tracks everywhere

Susceptible to mechanical failure

Expensive when a full circle is not possible

Smarter Overhead Irrigation

No wheel tracks and 84 m wide corridors with irrigation infrastructure at 5m high

No mechanical parts

Can start at any size block without price penalty

Remote Access To Control and/or Monitor:


Uninterrupted Access

Overhead irrigation lines are suspended from 5 m high cables strung between poles 84 m apart to form 72 m wide corridors



Liquid fertiliser dosing through the irrigation system saves time and money. Dosing is preceded by soil wetting and followed by watering in


Low pressure Use

The floppy sprinkler system works on pressures as low as 2 Bar which saves money by not having to install high pressure pumps


Frost Protection

The system can provide quick bursts of irrigation over the entire area to assist in frost protection and crop cooling


Immediate Irrigation

No need to wait for the pivot to come around, any part of the system can be activated immediately when called


Soil Suitability

Since there is no requirement to support wheeled infrastructure, the overhead system is suitable for all types of soil

Trusted by over 8% of Local Australian Government Councils

Over the last 30 years we have been working with local councils in Australia to deliver smart control systems. We've helped over 100 councils leverage our technology to save time, save money and streamline the operations and maintenance of their infrastructure.

Here are some of the councils currently using SmarterCTRL:

What our clients say

”We have 43 parks, 2 standpipes, several water tanks and 16 floodlights all connected through our Smarter Control System. Highly recommended, saved us over 200k per year in wages alone.”

Grant Voss, Town of Port Hedland

Need Control of more than just parks?

Your Smarter City Control System can expand to control other city infrastructure, including:


Floodlight Control

User pay approach to floodlight control with mobile phone and swipe card access for sporting clubs.


Bulk Water Access

User pay approach with swipe card access and central management for standpipe use


Tank Management

Central management of water tanks for fire-fighting or irrigation purposes with level alarms via SMS and Email

Unit 1/39 Winton Rd

Joondalup, WA 6027

+61 8 9300 1844